Church of St. Francis (or Our Lady of Vitaleta)

It was builtit on the remains of the convent of St. Francis; the new shrine rose between 1867 and 1870.

The travertine filaretto facade has an eye above the front door.

The interior has a single nave With four side altars. On the high altar is conservated the Virgin Mary Announced attributed to Andrea della Robbia (early 16th century), moved from the rural chapel of Vitaleta in 1870.

Among the works the Announcing Angel and the Virgin Annunciate, polychrome wooden statues by Francesco di Valdambrino
(beginning sec. XV); the Visitation by Ventura Salimbeni (early 17th cent.); a Crucifix of the Sienese school
(first half of the 15th century); theImmaculate Conception and the Sermon of Saint John the Baptist (1597)

Virgin Annunciate in Santa Maria di Vitaleta, the work of Andrea della Robbia. Church of St. Francis (Madonna di Vitaleta Church), San Quirico d’Orcia.

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