Polyptych by Sano di Pietro – Collegiate Church

Sano di Pietro’s Polyptych: a gold background painting by Sano di Pietro (1405-1481), which consists of a central compartment, a lunette and a predella.

In the central part the Madonna and Child, surrounded by angels on the sides St. John the Baptist, St. Quirico, St. Fortunato Martyr, and St. John the Evangelist. The lunette, within a rich frame, bears, on the left, the resurrection and on the right, Jesus’ descent to Limbo.

In the predella, in small panels, the coat of arms of the municipality of San Quirico in gold and purple stripes are painted, followed by five episodes from the life of the Madonna. The coat of arms testifies that the polyptych was painted specifically for the Pieve di San Quirico.

The work damaged by moisture and war events was restored in 1970 in Florence.

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