Orcia, discovering the most beautiful wine in the world

The Protection Consortium has called it the “most beautiful wine in the world.”

And for the Orcia wine appellation, such a definition could not be more apt, being a wine production of excellent quality, in an enologically vocated territory and landscape as unique in the world as the Val d’Orcia.

The Orcia DOC appellation was born on Feb. 14, 2000, thanks to the tenacity of some of the founding producers of the Orcia Wine Consortium, with the aim of protecting and promoting the image of the wine and its territory.
The undisputed protagonist of Orcia wines is Sangiovese . This noble grape variety is the common thread that binds our oenology. The consortium also carries out an intense cultural activity that culminates each year in April with theOrcia Wine Festival, an event about wine and the territory in which it is produced.

The production area of Orcia Doc includes the territory (even partial) of twelve municipalities with San Quirico d’Orcia at its center.



Sangiovese (minimum 60%) plus other grape varieties authorized by the Tuscany Region but not aromatic.
It enters the market on March 1 of the year following the harvest.


Sangiovese: minimum 90%. Grapes from the varieties Canaiolo nero, Colorino, Ciliegiolo, Foglia tonda, Pugnitello and Malvasia nera may be used in the production of this wine, alone or in combination, up to a maximum of 10 percent.


Orcia Sangiovese D.O.C. wine that has undergone aging for a period of not less than 30 months, at least 24 of which in wooden barrels, is entitled to the mention riserva.


Sangiovese (minimum 60%) plus other grape varieties authorized by the Tuscany Region but not aromatic.


Trebbiano toscano and Malvasia bianca lunga (alone or combined minimum 50%) plus other grape varieties authorized by the Region of Tuscany but not aromatic. The grapes, after being carefully sorted, must undergo natural drying; drying must take place in suitable rooms (partial dehydration with ventilated air is permissible), and the grapes must reach a sugar content of not less than 26 percent before mashing. Vinification and aging must take place in wooden containers, the traditional caratelli, with a capacity of no more than 300 liters for a minimum period of 18 months from January 1 following the year of harvest. After the mandatory aging period it can be contained in other vessels. Release for consumption may not take place before November 1 of the third year following the year of grape production.



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