For San Quirico, the nickname “chiocciolai”: this is also how the snail festival was born

The nickname of chiocciolai for the residents of San Quirico? Indeed!

And so in the 1960s in conjunction with the Feast of Barbarossa-along with the typical dish par excellence, namely pici (with meat sauce)-a snail festival was also held.

As reported in La Nazione newspaper (June 1, 1967) – as the book “Il Barbarossa – Cronache e protagonisti di una festa” brought to light – Mayor Carlo Sorbellini is asked why the dishes with snails: “the sanquiricans – replies -, are known by the nickname of snail makers, and we decided to have a snail party“.

And so institutional guests, tourists and the Barbarossa audience, in those days could enjoy a typical, tasty, spicy dish accompanied by red wine from the hills of Val d’Orcia. Already at the time, in short, San Quirico d’Orcia combined tourism, food and wine, and historical re-enactment.

Even today in San Quirico you can still enjoy chiocciole with that traditional, spicy sauce in a few restaurants and taverns in the Barbarossa Quarters.

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